Step 1
Application form
Firstly we ask you to share some information about your background. This includes details about what you’re currently working on and what you want to achieve by starting a company.
Once you apply to EF we review your application. If you are successful you will be informed that you’ve been shortlisted and we will work to establish your founder qualities. At this stage we’ll also invite you to an EF event so that you can meet some of our team and community in the meantime.
You can complete this stage of the application process with our application form.
Step 2
If you pass stage one, we’ll invite you to an in-person interview with us (or Skype if you're not based in the UK). You’ll have two 30 minute interviews - Edge and Founder.
During your Edge Interview we'll ask you to demo a previous project, as well as discussing your areas of technical, product or domain expertise. In the Founder Interview, we'll be checking to see if you have the individual characteristics that we've seen be most successful on the programme. After working with more than 300 founders, we have a unique perspective on these traits and how they present themselves.
Step 3
If successful at interview and are offered a place on the cohort you’ll be invited to events with us and other cohort members at EF HQ (in Singapore or London respectively). It’s a chance to get to know a bit more about your future cohort, EF and how the programme is run.